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Point Roberts Westside Sewer Project
July, 2006

In the late 1980's, Point Roberts attained qn importont milestone by
contracting with the GVRD for o long-term clean water supply for our
Community's future.

The second infrastructure consideration, a viable and well planned
community sewer system should be addressed to determine if a cost
effective means of handling the PR Community's collective waste is feasible.

It is a reasonable conclusion that a wastewater treatment system will be an
eventual reality in our Community's future, and is in the community's best
long range interest to address this important issue.

ISSUeS: Two major considerations need to be addressed:

1. In the existing PR residential community, it is no secret there are an
increasing number of septic failures adding to an already existing problem.
By no later than July , 2OO7 , updoted ond more stringent septic regulations
will go into effect (see attached regulation).

2. The current cost to instoll frequently reguired mounded systems
currently run the residential property owner $15,000- $18K (+) and in many
cases, depending on the requirements of the individual property, the above
ground mound systems are considerably more expensive and often take up
much of the available spoce on smaller sized lots.

Because many of the lots in current PR developments are small sized, there
are no remedies except sewer to comply with existing WA State septic
codes ond regulations. This includes many properties in the South Beoch
Area (see attached bar groph-lot size analysis). This situotion is also the
case for the many existing vacant lots in Point Roberts.

Opportunity: A unigue opportunity exists for the community. Two
projects requiring large scole on-site septic systems are presently in various
stages of development in Point Roberts. Specificolly the PR Golf & CC o=and
the Pier Point projects in the old Cannery building next to lighthouse Park.
The PR Marina would also benefit from the community sewer concept
relative to there future plans.

The realizotion of these projects in will include the expenditure of
significant capital funds for their on-site sewer facilities. By diverting the
monies reguired for their onsite systems to a public sewer project, it
becomes a win-win situation benefiting every property owner involved.

A second major benefit to Point Roberts a community sewer would provide
would be the inclusion of the 'small town commercial areos' of Point Roberts
primarily along the Gulf Road corridor.

A third benefit to the Point Roberts Community would be the effluent water
produced by the wastewater treatment plont. This reclaimed water source
would be utilized for irrigation purpose servicing projects including the PR
Golf & CC. and would also be an additional revenue source for PRWD #4.

SOLUTION: It is our intention to contact representatives of the
various associations in the South Beoch area for the purpose of collectively
discussing the septic problems that have plagued this areo ond develop a plon
to collectively opproach our PR Water District with our collective concerns.

Representatives of Waters' Plott Associotion recently contacted us
expressing a sincere interest in our sewer project.

We have compiled a mailing list of all the property owners in the South
Beach by street. From this list, we can create a property list of or each of the
individual ossociations and attoched areos in the South Beach area.